A review by proudtobeabookaholic
Never Say Never by Justine Manzano


Brynn Stark has decided to never fall in love. After watching her parents marriage and her best friend Nina's "on again, off again" relationship with Reeve, Brynn is certain of one thing: love hurts. However, Nina's foster sister Val is adamant in her efforts to get Brynn to go on dates she's setting up. When Brynn's reluctant, Val reveals her true identity: Aphrodite, the goddess of love! At the same time Brynn is starting to develop feelings for Adam, Val's boyfriend...

The reason I wanted to read this book was that it had some mythological elements; Aphrodite in a contemporary YA! Unfortunately I don't think the author manages to fully incorporate the concept. I don't take Aphrodite seriously, since I feel she doesn't really fit in. Val/Aphrodite is also very annoying for the most part, and I wouldn't stand her company many minutes at a time! The other characters are rather stereotypical, but I like them anyway.

The book also felt a bit too long for me, it could easily have been shortened at least 50-70 pages (my copy was 277 pages). Other than that I've quite enjoyed hanging with Brynn, Nina, Adam and Gabe for a while. If Manzano had used the greek mythology more it would have suited me better. Now I would recommend it to those who like contemporary YA with a mythological twist!

* I received an ARC through BookSirens and I'm giving my honest review. *