A review by ashsalt
Blood Music by Greg Bear, Peter Cuypers


Cool concept. Mediocre storytelling.

I really enjoyed Bear's [b:Darwin's Radio|64923|Darwin's Radio (Darwin's Radio #1)|Greg Bear|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1298430821s/64923.jpg|2878580] and [b:Darwin's Children|64924|Darwin's Children (Darwin's Radio #2)|Greg Bear|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1389040187s/64924.jpg|970936], but I've been disappointed in the other Bear titles I've tried, including this one.

The setup is intriguing: quirky, mad-scientist type experiments on himself and triggers world-altering plague. Unfortunately, the characters aren't as interesting as the scientific premise. Fifty or so pages before the book ended, I simply didn't care anymore. Characters had become throw-away and barely sketched out.

The plot also faltered, lost momentum before actually arriving at a resolution. The narrative alludes to a major change that is never really explained, which leaves a major unnecessary mystery at the very end.