A review by claudiaswisher
Be Different: Adventures of a Free-Range Aspergian by John Elder Robison


Three pages of notes copied, a pack of stickies to mark longer quotes...did I like this book?? OH YEAH! I already have the first line of my fan letter composed: "Mr Robison, we didn't know it at the time, but we were both at Lloyd Noble Arena in 1979 for the KISS Dynasty tour."

Robison did NOT rehash his memoir in this book...it truly is new information...he tells us how his Aspergers is a gift, how it's given him singular opportunities at the same time it challenged him.

I appreciated his positive attitude, his willingness to learn to work with those neuro-typical...or Nypicals...who people his life. He gives concrete suggestions for putting Nypicals at ease in social situations, and to avoid being judged by them for what is the working of his mind.

He is honest about his struggles in school, and he gives suggestions to teachers and other people who deal with young folks. He speaks directly to other Aspergians. His message is one of belief: believe in yourself, know you have skills and talents. Know some of them came from the way your brain is wired, and go find your way.

I found a youtube of KISS's Dynasty tour, and the flashing guitar he designed for Ace Freley...my students were fascinated.

The writing here is clear and strong. Robison's voice rings out with such clarity and confidence. He truly is a survivor. I learned so much from this book, and I will be able to share with all my students.