A review by dannyfaust
Doctor Who: The Glamour Chase by Gary Russell


Overall, this is a pretty solid Doctor Who story. It combines a lot of familiar sci-fi tropes--which is something that Doctor Who has been doing for almost 50 years--but manages to do so in a way that doesn't distract the reader from the story.

If I were pressed to nitpick, I'd say this:

(1) It takes a bit for the Doctor to properly appear and, when he and his companions finally arrive, the narrative seems to focus on the non-TARDIS-y folks a little more than I would have liked.

(2) The novel is set somewhere around the middle of season 5 (there are clear references to both "The Vampires of Venice" and "Amy's Choice") and, as such, we have sulky, jealous Rory. Sulky, jealous Rory is my least favorite Rory. However, Mr. Williams is still brilliant and watching him and Eleven figure out exactly what their relationship is was fun.