A review by cassiesnextchapter
The Apology by Eve Ensler


A deeply moving and powerful account of abuse and betrayal at the hands of her father, Eve Ensler imagines the apology she'll never actually receive.

Full Book Review

"Our silence is our bond. The power of not telling, of not letting on, is the most ancient and powerful weapon in our arsenal."

My Thoughts...

What a TOUGH read. I'm so glad it's over, and I'm equally glad I read it.

There were so many times that I shut the book and had to physically walk away. I didn't want to finish it. I wanted to just return it and never look back. The metaphors felt burdensome and heavy, like a weight I was bearing for Ensler. I didn't want to hear about what she went through, and I certainly didn't want to talk about what I'd read.

But that's the point. That's the struggle of speaking your truth, and finding people brave enough to sit and listen. To it ALL.

I understand that I'm a witness for Eve Ensler. I showed up, and kept showing up even when it was hard and depressing and nearly unbearable. Because that's what Eve needs in her time of confession and vulnerability. We, as readers, can't judge what she's been through. We are here to witness her struggles and to acknowledge her truth. And to watch her get back up again.

Perhaps I don't think her abusive, narcissistic father would ever offer her that deep apology, but that's my judgement on him. She wrote to get it out and to survive it. To move on.

Thank you for your story, Eve. I showed up. I was a witness. May the life-telling bring you peace.