A review by mamoru
Ninefox Gambit by Yoon Ha Lee


Yikes...If you've ever had a toddler explain something to you, then you know the feeling of wanting them to get to the point faster, so you can escape their annoying rant. You also know that a toddler with tell you absolutely nothing while talking continuously.
That's what this book feels like.
I was so innocent when I first started this book. So much hope. I enjoy Yoon Ha Lee's writing so I happily ignored all the red flags. Welcome to a world where nothing is explained, characters show up once and then vanish, the magic system is "whatever the author needs to happen will happen" (this is magic but in outer space), and all the built-up leads to an extremely disappointing and underwhelming resolution. A resolution that, you guessed it, makes no sense and only leaves you with more questions.
So why am I giving it three stars? Because I have never read anything like this in my life. Because the magic system is incredibly original and interesting. Because YHL's writing calls to me like a hissing cat that I know I shouldn't pet but I still want to. I love his writing and, so, I will listen to him rant like a toddler and make no sense because even though the toddler is annoying, he's also adorable.
Make sure you don't go into this without checking the content warnings since this book is very violent. Very. Violent.
A few content warnings come to mind: suicide (LOTS OF IT), attempted suicide, suicidal ideation, rape, torture, gore, military abuse, graphic descriptions of torture, mass weapon, mass killing, racism, sexism, ableism, lack of consent, mental illness used as an insult.