A review by mbenzz
Calling on Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede


Wow...I really trudged through that one. Between the extremely slow-moving plot and having to put up with Killer, the Jar-Jar Binks of the Enchanted Forest, this book felt very out-of-place compared to the first two.

The author herself says in the introduction that she did not want to write this book, and that comes through while reading it. The story feels extremely flat...like there was no love put into it. That may sound cheesy, but you can tell when an author has put their heart and soul into a story, and this installment had ZERO soul.

I get the need for a set-up to bridge the gap between the first two books and the fourth (and final) book in the series, but this was a chore to read, and it read like it was a chore to write.

I love Morwen and her cats, and I really liked the first couple of chapters, even if they were a bit slow, but I assumed things would pick up. Nope. They never really did. The entire plot felt contrived, and none of the characters felt like themselves.

Overall, I just did not enjoy this part of the series, but I totally get why it exists. You really do need to read this installment to understand what's going on in the final book...just be aware that it's not the most pleasant experience.