A review by mjsam
Against Doctor's Orders by Radclyffe


I actually read this because I received Love On Call from NetGalley and realised it was part of a series, so went back and got the others to read first.

I haven't read a Radclyffe book for awhile, they were all starting to seem the same. I was surprised by how much I liked this book, although it did suffer from the usual Rad fic problems of a fast burn relationship.

Both main characters are interesting, there's a believable attraction between them, they do get to know each other (somewhat) before sleeping together, and the secondary characters are interesting, which is good given this is the start of a series.

The two leads do spend a lot of time together and discuss some big personal stuff, but I felt the relationship was lopsided, in that while Preston gets to knows a lot about Harper and her family, she doesn't share much about her own family (with Harper, though the reader is aware) until the last two pages of the book, so it's actually hard to see why Harper falls for Preston so quickly. However, most of the getting to know you stuff, though it takes up about 2/3s of the book, all happens in the space of roughly a week.

Because there's a work based conflict and one of the characters lives in the town, you know what the resolution will be miles before it happens, and I found the time jump to move to the resolution jarring and too rushed. Given that it had been flagged by a secondary character earlier, it didn't have to be, they could have worked together to bring about the same resolution and it would have made for a better ending.

This is an easy read, with likeable enough characters, if you've read a Rad book before, you pretty much know what to expect, and honestly, I enjoyed it more than I expected to. 3.5 stars.