A review by labraden
See Me After Class by Meghan Quinn


Greer Gibson begins her teaching career at an exclusive high school in Chicago with enthusiasm and modern teaching techniques that rub Arlo Turner, the head of the English department, the wrong way. Arlo is a very traditional teacher, who uses an approach that Greer considers stuffy and old fashioned. Sparks fly when they are placed in adjoining classrooms and find themselves constantly faced with the others' infuriating methods. What makes things worse is the strong attraction they both realize that they have for each other, which complicates an already difficult relationship.

See Me After Class is filled with characters that are stereotypical but also recognizable and fun as they fit into the school environment. Cora, Arlo's sister, is a particularly fun character who mirrors her brother's attitudes and then throws them back in his face. I had some concerns early in the story with the way the attraction the protagonists had for one another was displayed, as anger-fueled, hilarious pranks that turned sexual, but the feelings on the part of both characters were mutual and equal, dissipating my reservations as the book progressed. Overall, See Me After Class is an extremely engaging story with many laugh out loud moments balanced with tender feeling expressed by all of the characters - the most entertaining romance I've read in some time.