A review by omnibozo22
Ben Franklin and the Magic Squares by Frank Murphy


This really short kid book hardly counts as a book, but, for completeness, here it is. This fictionalized, that is highly fictionalized, story of ole Ben and his inventions might work as a way to get math minded kids interested in magic squares. The wrongly, obviously, claims that Ben invented magic squares... which is absurdly off by hundreds of years and several continents. The well tested, classic method for grinding out a magic square is nicely detailed, so kids can quickly be successful at creating their own versions, with their own starting numbers. For my mentalism act, I use a grid of 16 squares and have the audience contribute four random numbers. From there, I complete the square, then show them the 29 ways various number combinations add up to the same answers. The method belongs to Chuck Hickcock. Eat your heart out Ben!