A review by tatyanavogt
Across the Universe by Beth Revis


Rating: 3.5

This book was better than I thought it would be. Admittedly the main girl character annoyed the crap out of me even though some of her behavior was understandable based on the situation she was in. But some of it... Really wasn't (more in the spoiler filled portion of this review). Towards the later half of the book I think she became less annoying to me.

Despite how annoyed I was at how some things were happening, the book really got me thinking. Which I think is great! And some of the annoyances throughout were excusable due to the situation everyone was in, which again just got me thinking about how I think I would act under those circumstances.

I did guess a few things early on but overall, I think the book was pretty good. Definitely better than I had thought it would be and an interesting take on the situation. (trying to be vague to not give anything away, lol)

Spolier stuff:
Okay, so one of the things that irritated that crap out of me was that during the season where all the feeders hump each other like rabbits.. Our main lady insists on staying out amongst the chaos despite warnings of it not being safe.. And then she is surprised when she gets attacked.

Also she had the bad habit of cutting people off with outbursts before they got a chance to explain things to her. I get you're freaking out cause you don't know whats going on, but seriously, if you're angry that you don't have the answers maybe you should let people answer your questions and then get mad if they don't..

I did think that the main girl character was described in an overly child like way, which seemed weird to me. Like I started off thinking she was like four or five so imagine my surprise when we find out she is closer to 17.. (didn't really take away from the story I just thought it was weird)

I did really like the struggles the elder/eldest had in regards to leadership and the comparison of earth and the ship. The question of what causes chaos in a society and the moral dilemma of denying your people the ability to live for fear that they would rather die if they knew. Personally I feel strongly behind the saying "it is better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all"

Their is more but I have to get ready for work... So Ill end it saying that the book got me thinking and because of that I think it was a good book.