A review by reickel
How to Talk to Girls At Parties: The Graphic Novel by Neil Gaiman


I think when I first picked this up it was the second publication I'd seen illustrated by [a:Fábio Moon|454774|Fábio Moon|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1309371479p2/454774.jpg] and [a:Gabriel Bá|313357|Gabriel Bá|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1298668985p2/313357.jpg], and the first complete story. That initial review does a disservice to [a:Neil Gaiman|1221698|Neil Gaiman|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1234150163p2/1221698.jpg]'s work, from concept to his execution of the writing, but I was just so blown away by the art.

Moon and Bá remain my... singular? doubular? favorite sequential-artist(s), and this book in particular might get my vote for "best illustrated comic ever made." So sorry for the initial blow-off Neil (you'll get over it, Sandman's helmet is still tattooed on my shoulder) the writing is lovely. And Brazilian Wonder Twins: more please, as ever.


To be clear, while I think the writing and story are fairly interesting, it's the art I'm completely in love with.

Art: 5 stars (10 stars, whatever--all the stars)
Writing: 3 stars (liked it)