A review by bros3nthal
Tyrant's Throne by Sebastien de Castell


I love the Greatcoats series. A series about a man that believes his country can be better. That his country has lost its way but that it is worthy of being redeemed. I think a lot of my fellow American citizens could relate to a story like that.

Falcio’s belief in doing the right thing, in holding himself and others to impossibly high standards, is a beautiful thing to read and it really meant a lot to me.

If you like books about performing daring acts of heroism, because that is the right thing to do, not the easy thing to do, read the Greatcoats. If you like books about a man believing in ideals and holding himself and others accountable for those ideals, read the Greatcoats. But most of all, if you like books about friendship, and the loving bonds friends share, read the Greatcoats.

While I’m sad this series is over, I know I’ll be returning to my friends Falcio, Kest, and ummmm the other one, what was his name… oh yes Brasti! I’ll be returning to my three friends any time I need a reminder about how to believe in what is right, any time I need to be reminded that one person can make a difference, and any time I need to be reminded of the power of friendship.