A review by squishies
The Book of Peril by Melissa McShane


The storyline was great, it was engrossing and I loved more about the magic system. There was more of a mystery element to this instalment, which was very enjoyable.

It always bugs me a bit when I can't seem to warm up to the main protagonist. Helena seems fine, if incredibly weepy in this instalment (though thoroughly understandable), but I can't really seem to relate to her emotionally; I think I'm more attached to Abernathy's than I am to her.

SpoilerI don't know why, but her infatuation with Malcolm was a bit grating. Yeah, you can't help who you get emotionally attached to, but thought Helena watching Malcolm leave / drive off supposedly every single time was a bit weird / much for me, especially since she knows she's supposed to be Neutral and dating Malcolm would definitely not be that. I was infinitely relieved that she actually told Malcolm they couldn't be together (though honestly, he absolutely should have known better than to try and pursue her).

Mike is suss, or is it just me?