A review by raleyv12
Swimming at Night by Lucy Clarke


This wasn't a bad book. I liked that the characters were flawed. They have became distant and understood each other less over time. It's incredible Katie didn't criticize Mia for traveling, abandoning Finn for Noah, going to Bali or even the way she died. Katie took it all in and found a great outcome. Katie traveled to understand Mia feeling guilty that their fight had caused her death but left learning who Mia was, knowing Mia loved her as much as she loved her.

Now I'm going to rant since I can't stand people who act on impulse and realized the consequences of their actions afterwards:

I wasn't expecting the reasonings behind Mia's actions. She isn't thinking rationally and it cause her to die in the end. She was influence by her affair with Katie's fiancé, Ed to travel around. It was accidental since they were both drunk but she somewhat did it to get back at Katie having a relationship with Mia's best friend (who she is also traveling with) Finn. Like I understand not having a good relationship with your sister but Mia crossed a boundary and acted petty over her friend dating her sister. You don't even like him! I feel like she was stringing him along emotionally since she kissed him once and he began to have feeling for her.

And here is the kicker, she sleeps with Finn after mentioning she slept with Ed to get back at Katie. Who sleeps with someone after hearing that? (Ok she was drunk but that is the only excuse I'll give her!) She says "You were the only one who looked at me first when you entered a room and then suddenly you were with Katie". Right it justifies what you did... I didn't forget how Finn is in the wrong too. He KNOWS she likes Noah and doesn't have feelings for him.

Literally when I read the part when Mia found out about Finn not telling her where Noah was, (this was the day after they had sex) I said, "No, no, no" like a 100 times. This will not be his fault for you sleeping with him. He stop you before things started to make sure you consented to it. This makes her decide to go to Bali where Noah is and abandons Finn. She abandon her plans to chase after a guy who hardly showed feelings for her. Finally after so much push and pull, he admitted he liked her but certain events happen and he ran to a cliff, feeling guilty of his brother's death. She tells him he jumps then I jump too. Then she loses balance and dies. Great way to risk your life over someone you met in a couple of months.

In the middle of nowhere, the minute we find out Katie had dated Finn, she realizes that she always loved him. I don't understand how in the beginning there was never a mention she had any feelings for Finn. There should have been hints to show there was some history between them.