A review by hellsfire
Avempartha by Michael J. Sullivan


I didn't particularly like the first book in this series. I liked the two thieves and that was about it. But people told me to give the series another chance because it gets better. So I did. I am looking for a good long fantasy series that I haven't read. That said, I actually enjoyed this one less than the previous book. The first book had interesting supporting characters that don't play much of a role here except for one whom I didn't like.

As before, I liked reading about Royce and Hadrian. In fact, I would love to read a fun fantasy series involving that pair. If it was like Hudson Hawk that would be awesome. Sadly, that is all I enjoyed.

I had two major problems with this book. I don't remember if I had these problems with the first book. The first problem was the info dumping. There was a lot of it. Sometimes it was disguised as dialog while other times it was not. Sometimes the info dump had nothing to do with the the book. In the beginning there was one pertaining to Royce's past. It could have been cut or the scene tightened as it had nothing to do with the book. I have no doubt it will play a part later. Also, characters would tell each other things they already knew.

My second problem, which is somewhat related to the first, had to do with all the name dropping. Sullivan painted a very detailed world. Everything was named, whether it be minor characters, historical figures, cities, races, etc. A few of those things I understood, but I would have liked it more had everything not been named in such detail especially if it was minor or didn't play into things in the current book.

While I am curious as to where this series goes, I won't be reading any more of the series. I tried and gave it two books and I just couldn't get into it.