A review by jen_baroness_mom
Southern Karma by Amy Boyles


I love Halloween but 72 hours’ worth?

Southern Karma by Amy Boyles is a hilarious, witty and a fabulous Halloween read. This story has so much going on besides the central mystery.

Things change for Pepper during this book. She learns to accept her power and realize her potential. Pepper also comes to terms with her feelings for Axel. She also learns more about Magnolia Cove than she knew before and about how great her Grandma Betty is (still a big Betty fan here.)

I love the interactions between the Caple family members. They are so personable and believable. Betty has such a good heart, and so do her granddaughters. I think that even Licky and Mint have good hearts they can’t help it that their magic is chaos.

Pepper and Axel connect their minds with Paige’s help, and this is how Pepper described it:
It was like accepting a Facebook friend request. You know, sometimes they’re not real accounts, and sometimes people are trying to connect because they’re friends of friends. Kind of like they’re third cousins twice removed but for some reason want to invade your life—I mean, be part of it.

Boyles, Amy. Southern Karma (Sweet Tea Witch Mysteries Book 6) (Kindle Locations 1037-1040). LADYBUGBOOKS LLC. Kindle Edition.

Some things that I liked

  • Ghosts hanging out and entertaining people

  • Giant spiders the size of dogs or cats running amuck

  • A werewolf on the run

  • Pepper learning more about her powers

  • Rufus has a good side and why he is evil now

  • Roy and Douglas

  • Wilma Chesterton aka Aunty Acid

  • Giants wearing overalls and barefooted, and living on Hillbilly Hill

He wore overalls and nothing else. Not even a shirt. I suddenly wondered if I’d dropped into an episode of The Beverly Hillbillies. I’ll say it again—overalls, y’all.

Boyles, Amy. Southern Karma (Sweet Tea Witch Mysteries Book 6) (Kindle Locations 1802-1804). LADYBUGBOOKS LLC. Kindle Edition.

Things I didn’t like

  • Axel’s reaction to everything

  • Pepper’s worst fear coming true

  • Paige’s past

However, without those items, the story wouldn't be as great.

5 Stars for Southern Karma by Amy Boyles

My rating for Southern Karma by Amy Boyles is five stars. If you are looking for a Halloween read that is funny and charming, this is a perfect book.

Amy Boyles has another Sweet Tea Witches book coming out for Thanksgiving. It is called Southern Magic Thanksgiving, and it is available for pre-order now.

This Guest Review is for Baroness' Book Trove. Thank you for the opportunity to review this book on your site.

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This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove