A review by piperclover
Heart of Summer by Max Walker

Did not finish book. Stopped at 58%.
I hate this. I deeply dislike this author and their writing and how many inconstitencies and continuity errors there are. I'm beginning to think that this author used AI to write all 3 books because there's just enough coherency to drag you along but not enough to actually be good or interesting or compelling in any way. The amount of plot holes in this book alone is astronomical and when you total it up with the other 2 books in the series I'm genuinely shocked that these books got published. Here are my unedited thoughts while reading: 

Instalove, dated for 6 months but we see literally nothing and only get it mentioned in ch 1 at 7 mins??, gets naked while half hard to clean?? This is stupid. Sudden foot sucking, Theo meets the family and lives there for a week and we see none of it???,  Starting this book with them already being in a established couple could have been easily explained if we had seen it Theo a few times in the previous 2 books, is it not going on be acknowledged that all three boys have same sex relationships?, we don't see the tell the moms they've been threatened, wasn't their 6 month anniversary over a week ago??, dislike the "the phone call Theo go would change us forever"-constant dramatic foreshadowing but heavy handed, like the casual nudity and naked cuddles, "normally I don't care but what other people but pero with you..." a weird forced inclusion of Spanish, papi is a general term of endearment for men in some Spanish speaking countries, repetitive- theo asks about how long Mav has been having panic attacks due to extreme claustrophobia at least twice, didn't see the surprise pregnancy trope, calls everyone girl not woman, summer is 2 weeks old but sticking her tongue out??, didn't see the family meeting Summer, didn't Theo say his parents split when he was 13? Did they not divorce until years later?, Theo's mom says that she hasn't even met her granddaughter yet but then she says less than 2 minutes later that she's met mav and summer already, wth River is now called Jeremy???,  Summer is nowhere near old enough to be giggling or having giggling fits- about 4 or 6 weeks old babies don't giggle until about 3 or 4 months

 Other reviews of this book noted even more inconsistencies and plot holes about the timeline and certain side characters saying they were doing one thing but then doing something else, etc.  This is just truly terrible and I would be ashamed to be the editor and publishing house (Tantor Media) that published this.

 I kept trying because I love this narrator so deeply but even in Greg Boudreaux cannot save this absolute dumpster fire. 

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