A review by sidharthvardhan
The Odyssey by Homer


Much like Achillies in Iliad, Ulysses is to be frequently seen weeping in Odyssey. With Achillies, it was always question of honor, with Ulysses, it is matter of home-sikness. He had all comforts when living with Calypso and yet, much like Dorothy, he too feels that there is no place like home.

I like the episode in Hades the best. The knowledge of the fact that his mother died while he was far away added to his misery but I think there is a poetical element in there too - for don't we deal with death without dying ourselves when our loved one dies. Haven't we all feel scared of losing our loved ones when we are not far away from them?

Homer uses the episode to take stock of a number of dead characters. Also, it is in Hades that we meet dead Achillies who seems to be regreting his selction of honor over life:

"I would rather be a paid servant in a poor man's house and be abpve ground than king of kings among the dead."

... which is very opposite to what Satan said in Paradise Lost (Better reign in hell...)

Many of his troubles are invited by Ulysses on himself when he arrogantly gives his name to Cyclops Polyphemus. The name 'Ulysses' means trouble - both causing and facing. An early example of this behavior from him is given in by that mark left on his body by that boar he hunted. Although he is cunning enough to survive all those troubles.

After going through several adventures (songs of sirens,Circe's magic, sea monsters etc.) he finally makes it to home, but not to finally have rest after this long journey. Rather his house is in chaos - friends had turned foes when he was away and he must beg around in his own house. You know how it feels when you return home tired after a long working day only to find that you still have to make your bed before you can fall asleep. Now imagine the feeling increased by a zillion times:

"Be strong, saith my heart; I'm a soldier;
I have seen worse sights than this.'

Even after all this he was still lucky - to have gods in his favor, he has too much served to him on plates by different gods (especially that Minerva who can't help playing guardian angel) to be likeable; and to find that atleast his own family was faithful to him. Compare this to fate of Agamemmon who came back home only to be murdered by his wife and her lover. That might look cruel on part of his wife, but he himself had come back with Casandra, the woman he had kidnapped from Troy. So, you see it is difficult to feel sorry for these Greek heroes.

Agamemmon is right in thinking that Achillies'fate was far better than him. It ceases being home when your family turns against you (which makes Penolope's faithfulness all more important)

And if all the adventures and poetry is not enough, there are some love stories goung around, best of all was Nausicaa's unconfessed love stays in mind long after her story met an abrupt ending:

"Lovely Naussicaa stood by one of the bearing-posts supporting the roof of clositer, and admired him as she saw him pass.
"Farewell stranger," said she, "do not forget me when you are safe at home again, for it is to me first that you owe a ransom for having saved your life."