A review by loverofromance
Trojan Crown by Eleanor Aldrick


Trojan Crown is the second book in her "Crown Brothers" series and I was so happy to get back to this series. I am such a strong fan of this author and definitely want to support her as best as I can. She is one of the few authors that stands up for what she believes and doesn't care what others think that are more traditional I should say. What I love about her writing is that its super easy to get into these. I definitely found so much fun with this one and liked it more than the first book. It just seemed to have a bit more focus on the relationship aspect that I really liked.

I really liked how she took more time building up the sexual chemistry, I really enjoyed seeing more emotional focus on the relationship a bit more. I loved the child set up with the hero being a single dad and the heroine being a nanny. I was so drawn into the relationship so quickly and just wanted these two to find their way together. I adored the way that the romance was built up, and we do have some serial plot development that are happening with this one here. I also enjoy the writing style of this author. It just seemed to work so well for me. I wouldn't call this dark per say, but its definitely more taboo and closer to erotic romance. Now I am not a fan of daddy kink, so these elements I just skimmed over, because this kink just personally doesn't do it for me. But I know it has an appeal to certain romance authors.

Overall I found this one to be an intriguing read and I can't wait to delve more into the family here.