A review by suze_1624
Capital Crimes by Douglas Stewart, Lambert Nagle, Alex Shaw, Alison Ripley Cubitt, Maynard Sims, Graeme Shimmin, JL Merrow, Charlie Flowers, Alan McDermott, Charlie Cochrane, Stephen Edger


A set of excellent, intense crime shorts based around London. And after this, I'll be looking at London in a different way!
There are chinese triads, the Russian mafia, kick-ass girls, pride parades, the crown jewels, slimy lawyers and more gangs than you can shake a stick at.
One is historic and one set in the future. MI5, MI6, the Russians, genocide, Indian Marines as well as estate agents and Cambridge Dons - a vast array of different characters.
Some are returning favourites and some I never want to meet. Intense and uncomfortable but very entertaining