A review by renpuspita
Dragon Bones by Patricia Briggs


3,5 stars

I remember years ago I read Moon Called, since Indonesian publisher kindly to published that book. Why I said "kindly"? Because they decide to just publish 1 title and abandon others. Very typical *rolling eyes*. It been years, so I can't decide if I like Briggs voice or not. Beside Moon Called translated version is a mess, with so many typos and miss translation. I did remember that I quite enjoy the story but not interested enough to continue the rest, so I'm not into this "Mercy Thompson fangirling". Maybe later.

In a mood for a fantasy, I picked up Dragon Bones, the first of Hurog duology. It's perfect, tho. My schedule is pretty hectic lately and I don't have commitment for now to read long series (I see you Dresden Files!!). Dragon Bones quite taken me aback, because the story told from first POV, but some chapters have 3rd POV. This is make me annoyed a little bit. I don't really like first POV for fantasy, even it's light ones. Urban fantasy, I can take it. Pure fantasy? Not so much, since the scope is grand, and first POV is very limited. Which quite true in Dragon Bones, since Briggs need to write some chapter in 3rd POV. Annoyed me yes, but fortunately didn't lessen my enjoyment. I just need to adapt for this kind of story telling.

It take a time to sympathize to Wardwick, or Ward, the main character. I feel that his voice -I don't know,maybe this is just my feeling- sound like a girl, not a man he used to be. I feel like I read Briggs's voice, not Ward's. I also think he's too laid back at first, but I did appraise his development. Actually, I think Ward is smart. His life was hard, his father (already die in the start of the book) was temperamental, and temperamental is a tame word to describe Ward's father. Ward's mother lost totally to her medicine, left her children unprotected to her husband's wrath. Ward's brother, Tosten, try to kill himself and his sister, Ciarra is mute. With all that baggage and his effort to appear dumb, it's not easy for Ward, but somehow he manage to live thorough it.

It's difficult to read Dragon Bones at first, with the POV, and especially the names of characters, places, and magic structure. My head keep spinning and guess who is who. The religion system, the god and goddess make me a little bit confused sometimes. So, I guess even Dragon Bones categorized into light fantasy, readers need to pay attention. What make me keep reading is a mystery that surround Hurog and Oreg, a ghost that is Hurog itself. The mystery about Oreg and what is Hurog really engaging. Another characters like Ward's companion also quite entertaining. One of my favorite characters is Garranon, who is the high King's lover. Yes, there is gay character, but King Jakoven is very icky, and for me that still uncomfortable reading gay scene, the scene told in subtle way. Oh, I also like the twist that Briggs weave, especially about the villain. I can said, I didn't see that coming and poor Ward must bear the consequences. I also like that one of the villain is not two dimentional.

Since Dragon Bones is just duology, it's perfect if you want to read fantasy but don't want to read a long series. This book have magic, conspiration, mystery and even I have some pet peeves with this one, I will recommend this one. One thing again... not enough dragon, sadly :(.