A review by kates
Mennonite in a Little Black Dress: A Memoir of Going Home by Rhoda Janzen


You know how sometimes you're staying at your parents' place in between moves and you have nothing to read and so you end up picking up a book your mama bought years ago at Costco? Well, for being one of those books, MIALBD isn't terrible. Janzen is funny, if occasionally grating (you will read many, many times that her husband left her for a MAN named BOB he met on GAY.COM!!!). Mennonite culture is interesting, especially to this heathen. It is a little annoying that Janzen repeatedly refers to herself as a grammar nerd and then uses i.e. where she means e.g., but whatever, man, it's probably an editing error. And this book is not an altogether painful way to kill a couple of hours!