A review by booksheep92
Palace of Treason by Jason Matthews


I liked the first book. The characters were interesting and felt real. In this book, however, the characters and the entire plot felt like it was pulled from a teenaged boy's fantasy of being a spy. Every female character was sexualized. For no reason. Characters had no agency besides sex and killing people. This series started off with promise: spies who felt real and stakes that I cared about. However, this novel was nothing more than tired cliches with the male protagonists effortlessly getting beautiful women and the extremely complex character of Dominika reduced to a scorned and jealous woman who had nothing besides her body. I will not be continuing this series after this disappointment. The only reason I finished this book was I was hopeful it was just middle book syndrome, but it got more and more cliche and painful to read the closer I got to the end.