A review by penandpencil
Darklight by Lesley Livingston


This series is hard for me to wrap my head around, I don’t love these books, and had to push myself to finish this one, but they are certainly not terrible. There are some great moments, they are well written, and I always like supporting Canadian authors. I feel that the main problem is that the characterizations fall short, I just can’t find myself rooting for Kelley, she has very little in the way of personality and makes stupid errors in judgment on a regular basis. Secondary characters like Mabh, Fenn, and Bob are much more interesting.

The twist regarding Sonny’s heritage was totally predictable yet her explanations were confusing as hell.

The end of this book frustrated me, although it did help me clarify what bothers me about these “new moon” relationship scenarios. I understand that without conflict there is no story, but the drama here seems forced. One partner takes themselves away from the relationship for the good of the other, when all that is required would be for them to actually, you know, communicate with one another. Contrived conflict is my new pet peeve.

Ultimately, if I was not getting these at the library I don’t think I would bother with so many other great things out there to read.