A review by sarag19
Flower and Thorn by Rati Mehrotra


***ARC received from Wednesday Books and NetGalley in exchange for honest review, opinions are all my own. Thank you!***

Flower and Thorn is a new stand alone book by Rati Mehrotra and the synopsis does not fully do justice to what this book is really about. Unique magic system and court intrigue that the writer does so well. How magic can heal and corrupt a country from within while enemies attack from out side.

Irinya is an interesting character, shes very headstrong and tends speak back when she should hold her tongue in situations that should get her in trouble save for being the main characters. Despite that I still really liked her as a main lead. She is trusting and a bit naive we gets her in trouble but she is still incredibly brave to venture outside her small world to protect the people she helped put in harms way. One interaction she had was absolutely perfect and I truly laughed at the moment, I loved it so much. I do wish she had been a little more assertive when it came to her interactions with Fardan, she has no problem pushing back on other characters but for some reason with him she becomes with wishy washy naive girl again despite the growth she should have from what she experienced. I liked having a morally grey villain to play counter to our naive heroine and he was a fascinating character.

I didn’t really root for the romance since I found I hated Fardan most of the time he was on page as the story progressed. Like I didn’t mind him at the beginning but when he shows up again he has no respect for Irinya agency and puts her in a horrible situation. He also feels incredibly juvenile in those moments like its all some game despite the repeated warning Irinya give him. It also doesn’t help that hes gone for long stretches of the book and doesn’t feel like he has much chemistry with her when he is there. Or that Irinya and Imshan’s dynamic is far more interesting that Irinya and Fardan, much more push and pull. Thankfully its not romantic in the slightest but its so fascinating as a pairing to read.

The magic system in this world with the flowers is so unique. I loved how each flower has a main purpose not just on its own but to counter the other flowers. I just wish that the book had explored more about how they are found and used, what makes the lily so powerful, the jasmine a healing flower. There is a price to pay for each one and we see some of it throughout the book but I would have liked to have seen it explored a little more as it was one of the more interesting magic systems I have read about in awhile.

The writing is really good, the plot moves alone really well and there is fun court intrigue sprinkled in. I found it got a little muddled before the final confrontation which was really good. Unfortunately it slipped a little at the very end but overall it was a fun read that I did really enjoy.