A review by inkandpages_
Island Time by Georgia Clark


I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed this book. From the quirky family, to the beautiful imagery, to the fascinating Australian Aboriginal history, I could not put this book down.

Each character seemed to be dealing with their own individual life crises, and Georgia Clark did such a good job of allowing the readers to see into each individual mind. Normally, when plots jump from one characters point of view to another, and are constantly back and forth, I get extremely confused and deterred from completing the story. But Georgia Clark organized each chapter beautifully, with a new perspective and amazing detail of the Australian Island.

I thoroughly enjoyed the drama, the heartbreak, and the comedy. I think Georgia Clark did a fantastic job with the queer romance. It was very refreshing to have actual queer characters and a real queer romance.

I fell in love with every single character, felt a connection to each character, and I felt hurt when they felt hurt. This book is absolutely a major page-turner. I couldn’t put this down and just wanted to know what happened next. Bravo, Georgia Clark.

*Thank you NetGalley for early access to this ARC in exchange for my honest review.*