A review by beachburgmom
Last Dance on the Starlight Pier by Sarah Bird


I really enjoyed this novel, I found it very descriptive and felt like I could feel where everything took place. It was an interesting part of history that I had no idea existed…..set in the 1930’s as the world was entering the depression and we enter the world of the never ending dance off where those who were part of vaudeville put on these shows / competitions to provide entertainment and make a bit of money. I enjoyed the characters and the subject matter regarding the male lead which is also the start of an important part of our history( not wanting to post any spoilers). I found the first 2/3 of the book flowed a bit better and the final 1/3 felt a bit rushed …..still I am glad I picked this one to read.

I received a free advanced copy from NetGalley and all opinions are my own.
I would recommend this book to friends and my book clubs …..lots of great subject matter to chat about