A review by rjdenney
Eve by Anna Carey


This was a freaking awesome read. :)

I didn't know much about this book going into it, but I knew I wanted to read it because it sounded good and it was dystopian. I had no idea that this book's story line packed so much. It was different for me because normally I don't pick up books about an all girls school. But this was different. The girls in this story are awaiting graduation so they can move into the city of sand and develop their own lives, but that is not what will happen to them. What they don't know is that they will be sent to a house where they will be a part of a breeding process for the new america. A plague has ripped the world new one and 15 years later the world has gone to shit and there is a king who is a big dick. Luckily, there are groups of people who help escapees and orphans so that they aren't pawns in this king's sick game.

We are introduced to Eve who is the class valedictorian and is hyped about graduating and starting a life in the city of sand. When she notices a girl named Arden acting very suspicious, she sets off to see what this girl is planning, since she tends to play pranks and jokes on the classes a lot. Eve discovers that Arden is escaping the school and tells Eve about what really happens to the girls who are graduating. Eve tries to brush it off, but when she witnesses Arden leaving the school, she decides to check things out on her own. Later in the day she escapes her dorm and walks into the lake separating the school from the house that supposedly houses girls who have graduated years before. When she walks up to the house she notices a window lit and peeks through. What she discovers is what Arden tried to explain to her and so with the help of a teacher, Eve escapes the school and sets off on a journey to Califia (a place that helps escapees and orphans.)

That is where I will leave it off and this shouldn't be a spoiler because it happens in the first 30 pages. YES! 30 pages. I loved that this book was FAST PACED but packed a lot. Sort of like another Author's work hmmmm I wonder who I am talking about? ;) The book is around 315 pages and it does not disappoint. The loved the characters and it sort of had a Peter Pan type feel in the middle of the book when... well, you'll find out. I don't mean Peter Pan as in something magical, you'll see.

This was a very good book and the ending left me wanting more, so I will be picking up the second book. I also will be buying a finished copy of EVE sometime soon, since what I read was an ARC.

Happy Reading!
& excuse the errors in this review. I don't usually edit my reviews. :p
