A review by tinky47
Pure by Julianna Baggott


Far into the future the world is changed by Detonations. The explosions that wrecked the atmosphere, also fused organic beings to each other, the inanimate objects, and sometimes the earth itself. The only safe place to live is in The Dome, where the Pure live.
Partridge is a young man who grew up under the shadow of his father, the man who created the Dome. He is lonely and misses his brother, lost to suicide and mother, lost in the Detonations trying to collect more people to enter the dome. Healthy and
safe, Partridge feels trapped by the structure of the Dome and his many unanswered questions. He plans a dangerous escape when he finds a clue that hints at his mother's survival in the world outside of the Dome.
The streets are a dangerous place for Pressia, who lives with her grandfather in the rubble of his old barbershop. Along with her neighbors, she scavenges for food and hides from the militia that collect sixteen year-olds for battle. When she has to escape her home to avoid capture, she inadvertently saves Partridge from capture and the two begin a cautious friendship in a dangerous adventure.
This novel fits perfectly in the genre of the dystopian teen fiction. I enjoyed the fast pace, efforts at embedding scientific tidbits, and interesting plot twists of the novel. It is a first in a series, but can stand well on it's own. The light romance is predictable and a good motivation for reluctant sci-fi readers.

4 out of 5 stars