A review by 00leah00
Give in to Me by Elle Spencer


3 Stars

So, I’m a little conflicted about “Give in to Me” by Elle Spencer. Spencer is usually an automatic buy for me. I love her writing and always enjoy whatever she puts out whether its angsty or rom-com.

“Give in to Me” is a funny romance with some high drama mixed in. Whitney Ainsworth is a popular writer who has gone through a very public divorce with her actress wife, Reece. She meets Gabriela Talbot (Brie) one night out and they have a passionate encounter. Afterwards, Whitney learns Brie is the author of a negative review that went viral and helped with the bombing of her latest book.

While I loved the beginning as it starts like previous Spencer books, this one ended up taking a bit of a turn. What started out fun with witty dialogue and funny encounters turned into a bit of a cluster. I felt like Spencer might’ve been trying to do too much and nothing really felt too deep. All of the emotions and chemistry felt surface level and it was a letdown especially because I know Spencer can do the more emotional connections.

The first third or so really centered around Whitney and Brie and the start of their relationship. My issue with their relationship is that it felt more like Brie was more starstruck than anything else. I think she was monologuing about being in love after their second encounter and I found no reason for it. The two have hot sex but they don’t talk and get to know one another in any capacity outside the bedroom. To me, their relationship really never goes much further either. Anytime the two are together the end up getting interrupted by either Reece, or Brie’s family or Whitney’s agent. And all think it’s just fine to just show up whenever and as often as they please.

As they begin to date, Whitney’s books are being made into a movie that of course stars her ex-wife. But in this portion of the book, everything gets muddied. There’s drama between Whitney and Reece, drama with Brie’s family and drama with the movie being made. On top of that, Whitney is about to start her next book and to do that, she needs complete isolation in her cabin in the mountains which brings on even more drama. All of this is happening at the same time while the two mains are trying to get to know one another and it was just too much.

Even though there really was just too much going on and a lot of drama happening, there were parts I enjoyed a great deal. Spencer writes a fun book even if it doesn’t hit the romance marks I prefer. I would recommend this if you want a beach read or something light and fun with crazy, over the top drama.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books in exchange for an honest review.