A review by sk24
Nobody by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


SIK Book Reviews
Nobody has poor world building. It doesn't say when the story takes place. The only hint at the year is that the Society has been studying nobodies for thousands of years. And even that's a broad hint. Nothing else seems like it's in the future, though. The world seems as it is now. So, your guess is as good as mine for what kind of year we are looking at, if it even is set in the future...

I thought this book was just okay all around. Nothing was developed overly well, but nothing was extremely poorly done either. Everything just fell somewhere in the middle.

I wasn't captivated by the story. While the premise was very intriguing and unique, I just couldn't fully become enveloped by the story. I was somewhat bored throughout.

There are twists and turns and action, but none were very well executed. I'm glad that it was just a stand alone instead of a series.

Best Aspect: Unique idea
Worst Aspect: World building