A review by zhenyaxoxo
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell


Come and be worshipped, come and be caressed.
My Dark Vanessa, crimson-barred, my blest
My Admirable butterfly! Explain
How could you, in the gloam of Lilac Lane,
Have let uncouth, hysterical John Shade
Blubber your face, and ear, and shoulder blade?
- From the poem Pale Fire by Nabakov

Once I started this book I couldn't stop. This broke my heart into pieces over and over again. I felt as if I was Vanessa while reading this. Despite the heavy, heavy contents of this book, I can't describe it as being anything but phenomenal. I devoured this within two days and while that probably wasn't the best idea considering my own well-being, it was still worth it.

This book truly exists in the grey. It is very raw and sometimes hard to get through but nonetheless I recommend everyone read it.