A review by bent
I, the Jury by Mickey Spillane


Read this years ago - early '90s - when I was going through a bit of a hard-boiled phase. I had already read a lot of Chandler and Hammett and was looking for a new writer. I thought Spillane might do the trick - he seemed to have a lot of books available. I hated Mike Hammer. The writing's not great, Hammer is very two-dimensional and kind of a bully. The only woman that he meets that doesn't fall for him is overweight and unattractive. Otherwise, all the hot dames fall at his feet. I think I remember the final detective work being a little far-fetched, but it's all a little hazy now. I do remember the final line- I'll give Spillane credit, it was a great hard-boiled line, but it did nothing to redeem the rest of this book.