A review by squeegybeckinheim
Moonscript by H.S.J. Williams


Oh man, this was a slog. It wasn't terrible, but the writing left something to be desired and it was sometimes a challenge to pick up. The premise is good. One of the main aspects of the story involves Ayeshune and the religion following him. It felt a little too close to Christianity for my comfort. I hate feeling blindsided by "surprise-religious" books. I'm not averse to religion in books, but when they feel close to real-world ones it turns me off ("He formed you in the womb"-not a direct quote)This book needs more polish as well. Company as a word in the place of what I assume was intended to be companion. That sort of thing. I see that this is to be a series, so of course this focused on introducing characters and the like. The scope felt small. I struggled with the younger characters a bit. Their vocabulary at times seemed incongruous with their age, and at othera they seemed like they were written younger than they actually are.There's a lot of potential here though. I do appreciate the opportunity to read this book courtesy of Trillium Press!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.