A review by johhnnyinla
Junk by Les Bohem


Junk is written by Hulu's Shut Eye: Series Creator Les Bohem, an Emmy-winning screenwriter’s epic story of an alien takeover of Planet Earth, set in present-day Los Angeles. With pedigree like that, I was expecting something brilliant and biting. Instead, what I got was, well, junk.

With every chapter that passes, I found myself screaming (internally), "show me the aliens!" Only to find out just past midway in the book that humans were the aliens (well most humans). And as if the the story isn't convoluted enough, the author decided to throw in witches, warlocks, conspiracy theorists, a gum-shoe detective, a schizophrenic female messiah, zombie-ish transformations of humans to aliens, magical objects delving into the fantasy realm, gangsters, bar fights, sex and violence, and more. With all that, the book is definitely aptly named.