A review by git_r_read
The King of Plagues: A Joe Ledger Novel by Jonathan Maberry


Jonathan Maberry had me at GHOST ROAD BLUES (my review), the Pine Deep Trilogy, and I am now a fan of the Joe Ledger series. I was exhausted after each reading time, so this made for a good bedtime read for that, though it did make for some whack-a-doodle dreams.

The reader's eyes are flying across the page to keep up with quick scene changes and multiple characters, but the quick interludes within the chapters and the thriller storyline makes the pages turn faster and keeps you up way after your bedtime so you can read one more page.

I highly enjoy the way Maberry writes a fight scene. I could almost see the end result of bullets and the fists and definitely dreaded what would happen with the infectious diseases. The descriptions were raw and graphic.

The only time I felt like skipping ahead was while reading the scenes with the Seven Kings, the Goddess and the soldiers blindly following along. Not that the scenes were badly written, far from it. I just have a hard time dealing with zealots in any way, shape or form. And these are zealots who are the worst, the ones following the money.

THE KING OF PLAGUES is available on 29 Mar 2011. I received this ARC from the publisher.

Five stay up all night from the vivid whack-a-doodle dreams beans....