A review by nwreader
A Puppet Scorned by Jamie Kort


What in the world did I just read and why did I like it so much?!

This is a strange little story about sock puppets in an attic. You follow the perspective of one puppet and her obsessive love affair with another. Things go awry and so many wild things happen.

There is HILARIOUS puns and entertaining intimate scenes between socks. Lots of emotion and way more horror than I was expecting. When I first started reading it I was so confused but once I got into the rhythm of the story then I found myself really engaged in the plot and characters. There was actually a couple plot twists that surprised me and I was really digging the vibe of it all.

This gave me the same feeling as a Tim Burton movie or a messed up puppet version of Toy Story.

Such a pleasantly surprising quick read. I recommend it!


*Thank you to the author for a copy in exchange for my honest review.