A review by nicola949
Coming Home by M.J. O'Shea


This book was a nice way to spend an afternoon! I loved both the main characters. The plot kept moving, drama interspersed with the romance of Lex and Tallis.

Lex was attracted to Tallis in high school (Tallis must have been extraordinarily good looking for Lex to be attracted despite how Tallis treated him!) but Tally was a terrible bully. Things go badly for Tally and after losing his job and home, he returns to town. Lex is such a wonderful and forgiving man that he offers Tally a job, despite the reaction of his friends, family and rest of town.

Very quickly Lex recognises that Tally has changed but not everyone thinks so because Tally has also been tarnished by his father's actions. Lex looks beyond their past and sees the man that Tally is now."He couldn't believe Lex was publicly going to bat for him. Why? He understood that Lex had to stand by his business decisions, but it felt so personal. Like a victory."

Both men quickly realise that they love each other but in true romance fashion, don't want to admit their feelings. "Just tell him how you feel." She grinned. "Why do men have to make things so difficult?" Just tell him. Sure. Easy as pie.

The story reflects on the past, how the characters behaved in high school, including Brock who used to be Tally's good friend. Brock is an influential man in the town, although he is a drunk, a womanizer and still gives Lex a hard time about his sexuality. Tally plays along with him, delaying coming and out and in the meantime, not standing by Lex. This was the main part of the story that I couldn't understand. For a man in love, Tally behaved pretty appallingly! Interesting, when you read the second book, it makes more sense. The timeline of the second book [b:Letting Go|15833729|Letting Go (Rock Bay, #2)|M.J. O'Shea|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1345238488s/15833729.jpg|21570222] overlaps with this first book of the series, and provides more insight into Tally's actions as Drew explains what he asked Tally to do for him.

Overall, I enjoyed the book, loved the characters and it ticked the boxes for a happy ever after ending! 3.5 stars