A review by stephaniesteen73
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert


There were a lot of thought-provoking ideas in this book which resonated with me. Her basic thesis is that life is a lot more meaningful if we allow our creative selves to create. It's fascinating to realize that humans have always been creative, and in fact cave paintings pre-date farming (paraphasing her - it was more essential to paint than to have a stable food supply!)

I do see that, as I have gotten older, I've often dismissed or tamped down my creativity as either not being good enough, not productive enough or not worthy of my time and effort. But we truly were all made to create and there is a joy that comes through the creative process itself regardless of outcome. I am going to try and allow those creative juices to flow however they will (cooking, gardening, scrapbooking, music, writing, the list is endless).

I find it very interesting how Gilbert uses so much "religious" language in this book but applies it all to the spirit of creativity or new age enlightenment talk. As a Christian, I support much of what she says, but I attribute it all to the true Creator: the one who endowed us each with creativity and is himself astoundingly creative.