A review by dzengota
The Blossoms are Falling: A Supplement for the Burning Wheel Fantasy Roleplaying System by Luke Crane


I'm pumped to play this game. Burning Wheel has been one of my favorites and the way that this mechanizes both the history and stories of Heian and early Shogunate Japan is genuinely impressive. The Honor and Shame mechanics for the 'Bushi' in particular are excellent. Also, "Blossoms" has something the core Burning Wheel book (and other broad RPGs) needs: Overt rules and guidance on how to use the rules to play different styles of campaign. You cannot look at all of the rules in both books and just intuit the design differences between adventurous Bushi campaigns and the intrigue ridden drama of the Imperial Court.

Also, I normally skip included character stories or lore dumps in RPGs but both of the short stories (Sho Go Nai in particular) work great as thematic texturing and as an example of play.