A review by jamie_rc1977
I Can Explain by Missy Johnson


But I don’t have much choice. I look at his neighbor’s balcony and weigh up the pros and cons. I could slip and kill myself, but I’m confident I can make it across. The other problem is, what if his neighbor is a psycho? If I jump, I’ll be stuck there, because it’s the corner apartment. What if being there is a worse choice than staying here?
Crawling onto my ass, I lean against the wall and peer inside the window. The light is on, so that’s a good sign. All I have to do now is work up the courage to knock. Easy. You did the hard part. Knock on the window, they’ll let you in, call a cab, and you’ll be home before you know it.
I get to my feet. My whole body trembles as I work up the courage to do this. I’m almost there mentally when I decide to have one more peek inside.
Big mistake.

What the fuck was that?
My head whips sideways to the balcony. I frown because I’m sure I heard something. It could just be my mind playing tricks on me. I’ve been up all night, after all, and I had one hell of a day yesterday. I shake my head. That must be it. But then I hear it again. Okay, that definitely wasn’t my imagination. Someone is trying to break in.
I snap into action mode and hurl myself off the couch, ready to take down whoever the hell has decided to mess with me while I’m in this foul mood. I thrust back the curtains and brace myself for confrontation. My eyes widen. Okay, now I’m sure that I’m imagining things. Alana Morrison, on my balcony at six in the morning, in her underwear?
I’m pretty sure I had this fantasy last night