A review by beaktastic
The Death Cure by James Dashner


And so, the trilogy reaches its end, one that is not entirely satisfying.

The Death Cure picks up where The Scorch Trials left off, with Thomas and the other Gladers and Group B girls with WICKED once more. But things are about to change. WICKED claim the Trials are over, and offer to restore the group's memory, an offer most accept. But not all. Thomas is still suspicious of their motives, and he is not the only one. Before long, Thomas and his closest friends are on the run again, determined not to let WICKED use them for their schemes any longer. Thomas and co. go searching for the truth and a new start, a search that leads them to Denver, and their ultimate fate. Not everyone will survive the battle that will come...

I enjoyed The Death Cure. I thought it was a good continuation of the story Dashner has been setting up and telling in this trilogy, and it was nice to see more of the world Dashner has created. It was nice to see how a human city functions and what it is like in this kind of post-apocalyptic world, as so far we have only really seen WICKED tests and simulations. It was a good change of pace.

Again, I felt like Thomas was a slightly improved protagonist, and he was a bit more relatable, but there was still always something that stopped me fully connecting to him. I sympathised with some of the stuff he had to do
, but at the same time he was kind of annoying about some of his choices and actions. It annoyed me that he seemed to consider everyone he'd ever met (who wasn't an evil WICKED agent) to be his closest friend ever. I mean... really?

Like in the previous book, I felt sad that we didn't get to see much more development of some of the characters that have been around since book 1. Minho was present throughout and he remains one of my favourite characters, but at the same time I felt like he didn't do enough or have enough of a sub-arc or development of his own. Teresa was once again mostly absent, and again replaced by Brenda. It's strange, because Teresa has been around since early on in book 1, but has become increasingly irrelevant and under-developed as the series has progressed, almost as if Dashner wrote book 1 then changed his mind about who Thomas would end up with and just left her out. I kind of like that Thomas didn't end up with the obvious person from book 1, it was a nice change of pace to most YA literature (or most literature in general) but... it was still a bit weird.
SpoilerAlso, her death was kind of a non-event. It was practically a blink-and-you'll-miss-it thing. Which makes sense in terms of what was happening story-wise, but just re-inforces my feeling that Dashner had just given up and changed his mind on her. It also just seemed like a ridiculously convenient way of solving the undramatic love triangle and not having to include a convo. between Thomas and Teresa about the past and stuff... Just... ugh.
Also, characters such as Aris just disappeared two-thirds of the way through the book...

Newt however, received the most development, and was still my favourite character over all. Oh Newt...
SpoilerI liked how Newt developed. It seemed right that one of the characters would have to succumb to the Flare, and it does kind of make sense that it would be Newt. But it was so hard to see him go through this and develop, all the way up to the end. It seems right that Newt had to die I guess, but it was still heartbreaking to read. :( Part of me is also sad that we didn't see Minho finding out and his reaction...

I thought the ending was a bit cliche and Deus Ex Machina-ish. It was a quick and easy ending to provide happiness and resolution for the characters, and in some ways it was satisfying in the hope that it brings and the peace for Thomas and Minho and the others, but at the same time it was just so out of the blue and a bit cliche it was annoying.
SpoilerWhy has/will no on else discover this paradise?
SpoilerI liked though that Dashner brought the Gladers full circle with their brief return to the Maze.

What annoyed me most about this book though was that so many questions remained unanswered. I don't know if Dashner just didn't have full answers worked out and so avoided them, if he overlooked answering these questions, or he just didn't have the time to do so, but it was just annoying. So many questions I wanted answers to: Why were Thomas and Teresa so special and chosen to help design the Maze? What is Brenda's past? Who is Chancellor Paige? Why did she just leave at the end and why did she help Thomas at all? Why did WICKED do some of the stuff it did? Why did Thomas and Teresa both think the other had left them behind in this book? What happened in that gas chamber in book 2? These and so many other questions from this book and the rest of the series remained unanswered and it was just infuriating.

Overall, a good finale to the series overall, just don't expect all your questions to be answered nad your desires fulfilled. And ironically given the title, expect a lot of death.