A review by megan7b386
Walking on Knives by Maya Chhabra


I received this free from the publisher via NetGalley

Walking on Knives is a retelling of The Little Mermaid. It isn’t anything like the Disney version – it was dark, cruel and brutal at times. I do feel like readers need to be aware that there were some scenes with dubious sexual consent, so proceed with caution.

Walking on Knives ended strongly, but it did lose its way in the middle a bit and I felt the plot was confusing and messy at times. However, it was an original take on a classic fairytale. I also liked the fact that it was a f/f retelling of The Little Mermaid.

Because Walking on Knives was a novelette, I feel like it did lack some backstory that I would have liked to see, such as that relationship between the Sea Witch and her sister. I would have loved some more exploration of the characters, but it is supposed to be a novelette.

A short read that I would recommend, but I also recommend proceeding with caution.