A review by fae713
Odd Apocalypse by Dean Koontz


My biggest problem was that the events that happened in the interludes were not only forgotten, but apparently didn't happen based on what Odd thinks about in the middle of his internal monologue. The interludes were good reads and were worth at least alluding to, if no other reason than to get people to buy them.

Beyond that though, it was another Odd Thomas book. A good mix of mystery and humor. The dialogue made me laugh and the ridiculous things that Odd manages to wriggle out of just by confusing the people he's talking to as well as get himself in even more trouble are fun.

I have to admit that the use a turn of the century scientific invention startled me and managed to pull me out of the story a bit. I know it was a plot device, and a rather pretty one at that, but having lived with an electrical engineer I've picked up on some of his skepticism when it comes to how such things could possibly ever work. Once I dismissed that and went back to enjoying the story, I was more intrigued by observing the entire thing destroy itself. I won't say it was the best of the Odd Thomas stories, but it was a good one.