A review by becksri29
The Great Suppression: Voting Rights, Corporate Cash, and the Conservative Assault on Democracy by Zachary Roth


There are some really great points in here, but the author (a journalist for MSNBC) might be so far to the left that he can't see the middle. The middle is where it's at man. It's true that the Republicans run a lot of obstructionist tactics, partly because they benefit from a government that doesn't appear to be working (people turn to the party that continuously says government should be smaller and less involved). But on the other hand, the Democrats can't seem to find a way to get their policies around the obstruction. I know that sounds lame, but we really need a government that focuses on the people and not on keeping control for one party or the other. Everyone should be able to vote, for better or for worse. Yes, that means a lot of uninformed people will be involved, but that's why they're only involved at the end - we vote on candidates selected for is - and why we have the electoral college (also for better or worse). The two-party system, the way it works today, is hurting more than it's helping. I'm exhausted and realize I'm not really reviewing this book or possibly making a ton of sense, but this is what's on my mind after reading it.