A review by readsalattethrillers73
The Dead Girls Club by Damien Angelica Walters


This book was everything I love about a good thriller; relationships, murder, and a dash of 80's nostalgia to remind me of my childhood. This story delves into a missing person (I won’t ruin it and say who) and is divided between the main character, Heather’s childhood past and adult life. Someone is sending Heather haunting messages and, as the book progresses, you’re taken along the journey to figure out who it is and why they’re stalking Heather.

The past takes a look at Heather’s life with best friend Becca and two other girlfriends, Gia and Regina, who make up the Dead Girls Club. They talk about all-the-things teen girls do, being liked, friendship, and growing apart. It felt completely relatable to me, as a woman and the mom of a pre-teen girl. While the relationship between Becca and her mom is tough because it hints at child abuse and alcoholism, you’re so entwined in the story you just want to reach out and help her. I also found myself much more connected to Heather's relationships in the past versus her current relationships with her husband, best friend, and co-worker (two names which I kept confusing). The characters from Heather's childhood feel more developed and I was much more drawn to the past, versus Heather’s current life.

The present time follows Heather into what can only be described as madness and she wonders if she’s losing her mind as a series events lead her to ponder her past. Who is sending these relics from her childhood and why are they doing it? The story is fast-paced and definitely kept me guessing. I had my ideas about who might be involved, but as I got to the end, I found a huge relief to finally know the truth-there were so many possibilities. I was truly committed to this book from start to finish and found myself looking forward to picking up where I left off – in the car, in the kitchen, I had to know how it ended.

I highly recommend this book and give it 5 out of 5 stars. Check it out!