A review by hstapp
The Darth Bane Series by Drew Karpyshyn


This book was going along really well, until Githany was introduced. I'm really tired of women being used as a tool to inject some sex into a story. Oh also Githany is evil and uses sex as a tool to twist men, specifically men to her will and betray them. She's the hottest thing since super hot sexualized toast. Even her force brain waves exude sex like hot butter. It's just awful and really bad. Enjoyed the rest of the book though.

RULE OF TWO: 3 stars
I'm quite enjoying these, though the sexual parts are pretty repulsive. Oh she's so hot! All the other women glare at her with envy. Not a queer person in sight in this version of star wars and all women see in a beautiful woman is jealousy, and fear that they'll steal their man. Since you know. Everyone's straight and all.

It's pretty gross. But the action's good and the story in general I'm enjoying.


A good ending, a mysterious ending. Character descriptions in these books can be a bit offputting for me. Just in how they go into a descriptive block, and get all the character description out of the way in one go. I can't visualize so it's too much for me to grasp all at once.

I really like how the books continue to introduce interesting characters throughout, and it ties people back in. People you thought were minor characters or over and done with. A lot of books do this I suppose but I thought it was done well here. I also think that the number of women characters we get are great. And the characters are generally quite good as well. I just think some of the specific this character is a woman, let me tell you about women aspects are bad.