A review by readtolive
Fairyproof by Constance Phillips


Well, so, you guys know that I do not give a 5 star rating lightly, but in this case, I feel that it is well-deserved. I felt so sucked into this story that I just could not walk away and I had to know what was going to happen.

Monique, or Naomi as you know her at the beginning of the story, is so absolutely shocked that her powers are not working on Daniel that she has no idea what she is going to do. She has never had to rely on actual ability before without her Fairy powers and she is lost. But what she did not expect was that she would develop feelings for this man and have to make the most difficult choice of her life.

The characters were well thought out and so fully developed that you feel as though you actually know them and can imagine interacting with them. The story line is amazingly well written and there are no real hiccups in the plot line. It can be a little confusing while you get used to the shifting point of view a little bit. Some sections are Daniel and others are Monique, but once you adjust to that, it flows beautifully and I could not put this down. I felt as though I was as invested in what was going to happen as the characters were, and I felt the same shock and disbelief when the twist hit that the characters did.

I really feel that this is well worth the read and that any fan of fantasy and paranormal romance really should pick this one up. Fair warning, there is a little bit of adult language and while sex is not graphically related, it is alluded to. So, I would definitely say that this is not for the younger reader for that reason, but definitely worth the read otherwise!

I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.