A review by callienicole
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton


This is the second Kate Morton book that I've read, and though somewhat more predictable than the first, I enjoyed it just as much!

In this book, we follow Cassandra as she tries to solve the mystery of her grandmother's parentage. When Nell was four years old she was put on a ship to Australia, and arrived there with no one knowing who she was. Who put her on the boat? Why was she sent away? We also are told the story of a fairytale writer who is somehow mixed up in the story.

Let's go over content, quickly...

Language: An occasional mild cuss word used here and there. A couple uses of Jesus's name in vain.

Sexual: There are some references to sexual encounters within and outside of marriage. They are not described in detail. One character has a weird "erotic" dream, not described at all. There is also a creepy old man with a weird obsession with legs (I was a little worried about where that was going, but nowhere too disturbing).

Other: A casual reference to an abortion that really served no purpose to the story, so that bothered me. One of the characters receiving an odd, almost prophetic dream. Some impressions of some sort of afterlife when some of the characters die.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. Morton really knows how to weave a story together, and I really liked the fairytale/mysterious elements that were the basis to this story. It gave the whole book an eery, almost creepy vibe, but without being disturbing. The ending though...let's just say I've read happier endings. But I liked it!